I'm taking it to the next level....
So, I finally jumped in with both feet. I'm fully committed to making this thing work and I'm ready to show the world. Let me back up just a minute to clarify.... I've written previously about the things people do to their cars, the stickers they paste everywhere to show who they voted for or what kind of a mood they tend to be in, or, and I like these, the ones that tell you "if you're close enough to read this....". I'm okay with all of it, it's your car, your life, and if you don't care that much about resale or that it was a rental and you paid the insurance deposit anyway, so why not...but I've discovered something I had never imagined I would do as well. Stick people. Daddy stick man, Mommy stick woman, and little kiddo stick people--one in a stick stroller...which, I guess couldn't really be illustrated in much more detail than sticks anyway, so I guess it's legit. Stick people stickers are as ubiquitous as hybrids anym...