Underdogs are #1...or #2...or 3, or......
What is it about the "underdog" that intrigues me so? Why am I so prone to rooting for the player or the team that no one really expects to win? It's a classic scenario and pretty much a gauranteed movie hit if you write it up for a screenplay. Maybe it's the fact that I'm tall...for a first grader. On one level or another, I think I've been an underdog in most competitive situations I've found myself in. Maybe it's being the product of an off and on Mountain West school...the fans of the Univ. of Wyoming are a special breed and deserve a write up all their own! Maybe it's ingrained as a result of being born in Minnesota and rooting for the Twins and Vikings with only 2 World Series titles to boast in a quarter century of knowing what I was actually cheering for. I love movies like Rudy, The Replacements, Field of Dreams...shoot, even Lord of the Rings was an underdog story. They are stories of people who persevere...