Olympics.....the glue for a cracking country?
I've always liked the Olympics, winter or summer. It's impressive to me that someone can commit themselves so completely to pushing their bodies and minds beyond what an average dude like me would even think about. And it's funny, sometimes they make it look so effortless, morons like me sit on the couch, watch them on TV and think..."I could do that if I practiced a little". Yeah, right bud...weren't you the one with the vein popping out of your forehead trying to overcome the vacuum seal on your new bag of "cool ranch" Doritos? The Olympics mean something. It's something different to just about everyone, but they do mean something. This year in particular though, I think the games have an added burden to bear, and added dimension of importance that the athletes don't even realize, maybe no one anywhere realizes. Scarier to me than no one realizing though, is no one caring....no one caring enough about the games and this country...